Fedora core 3 diskless install(upgrade)

I downloaded the Fedora core 3 ISO’s and did a hard disk install(disk less install), it is pretty easy and the steps to follow are quite simple

1). make a directory called iso0 at the root of the drive

mkdir iso0

2). mount the iso of the first disc(FC3-i386-disc1.iso) into this folder

mount -o loop -t iso9660 /FC3-i386-disc1.iso /iso0

*assuming you have the iso in “/”

3)Copy /iso0/images/pxeboot to the /boot directory cp -r /iso0/images/pxeboot /boot/
4) Modify Grub to include the following:

title Fedora (INIT)
root (hd0,2)
kernel /boot/pxeboot/vmlinuz
initrd /boot/pxeboot/initrd.img
people using lilo need to edit /etc/lilo.conf and add the appropriate line

5) Make note of where FC2-i386-DVD.iso resides by issuing the “df” command.


You’ll need this location after reboot. It’s something like /dev/hda1 or /dev/hdb2

6) Reboot. When asked for the location of the “iso” file select FILE on the Fedora menu.
put in the /dev/hda1 location above. Note if it’s in a subdirectory off of this
file system there is a text box to enter that as well.

The install should proceed on it’s own from here.

Note: the article at the above link deals with fedora 2 install using a DVD image,but the same steps work for Fedora 3.