RTLinux resources

RTLinux is a Modified extension to the Linux kernel such that the Kernel acts as a Real time operating system. The small size and the wide variety of platforms supported by Linux makes RTLinux an ideal candidate for embedded applications.RTLinux finds applications in Aerospace, Automobile and Consumer electronics industries.

Here are some useful links to RTLinux related sites

RTLinux application development tutorial.

Another RTLinux Tutorial.

RTlinux reference projects.

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MIT’s open courseware on cognitive robotics

MIT’s open courseware has free course material like lecture notes reference material and links online for anyone who is interested in self paced learning. There is a new course called Cognitive Robotics this is for any one who has wondered how beagle or any other robot worked. It gives you ideas on how robots can be programmed to map their environment etc.

NOTE: Upon completion of this course you will not get a certificate from MIT not does this count towards course credits.  It is  is provided AS-IS for knowledge’s sake.

Football playing robot

A PhD student from Shanghai JiaoTong University (SJTU) Research Institute has developed an RTLinux-powered robot that plays football ,The robot has two color cameras for seeing and a laser range finder (LRF) for goalkeeper location. Communication is through  wireless LAN which allows communication among the robots on the team. The robot’s embedded operating system is Red Hat Linux enhanced with the RTLinuxPro real-time extension.