TrackMeNot + Firefox = anonymous searching

After AOL released user search data last year and the chaos that ensued have led to increased concern among users of being profiled by search engines. If you would like to thwart these search engines from profiling you, you should get the TrackMeNot extension.The extension periodically queries designated search engines with random keywords and thus provides bogus data to the search engine which in turn totally messes with the search engines profiling.

If this extension is used along with Tor and Privoxy it can cloak you in an extra layer of privacy. This is one of the must have extensions for those who value their privacy.

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Anonymous browsing with Tor and Firefox

If you are worried about your privacy and would like to browse the internet anonymously then you should consider using Tor in conjunction with Firefox. This great software includes a router and privoxy (a proxy server) which can mask user IP affording you to browse the web safely and anonymously. Foxtor and torbutton Firefox extensions allow you to enable and disable tor and privoxy from within the Firefox browser.


here’s how you install all three

1. Download and install tor from this link.
2. Download and install either Foxtor or Torbutton.
3. Start tor from the system tray
4. Click on the foxtor or torbutton icon to toggle anonymous browsing.

keep in mind that you should not use tor with BitTorrent or other P2P software to download illegal software.

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Alternatives to Windows programs

The open source revolution is providing more choices to users than ever before, be it a completely free operating system, a fully featured office suite or very good graphics editing program, the sheer number of alternative programs to some popular proprietary programs is amazing. The following site has a very nice list of programs that provide alternative programs to some propriety ones

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Checking file integrity with MD5 hashes

Click on image to see actual size.

The next time you are downloading a file off the Internet and want to make sure the file is not corrupt or virus infected try to see if the file has a MD5 hash file or a SHA1 hash file. Simply put each file  generate an unique signature when hashed using the MD5 algorithm  The signature changes if the contents of the file change or gets corrupted


.You can download the tools to verify file integrity here. or here for a graphical tool.

EICAR – Dummy test file to check you Antivirus software has got a dummy test virus file that anyone can download to test the effectiveness of the antivirus software on their machine. The file is available here. most self antivirus software should warn you when downloading the program. THis itself is a good sign. Download all 4 kinds of files listed and check if you get warnings for all 4. If not its time to switch to a better antivirus program.

Note: I have mentioned the free AVG antivirus in my previous blog posts.