UC Berkley online lectures

UC Berkley has put the entire lecture notes for some computer science courses online and completely free for you to download and enjoy. The site contains both vid-casts and podcasts of each lecture. This can be a great resource for a undergrad/grad student who just wants to review the basics or learn more about a course he intends to take.

Here are the relevant links

Operating Systems and System Programming
The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Data Structures and Programming Methodology
Machine Structures

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MIT’s open courseware on cognitive robotics

MIT’s open courseware has free course material like lecture notes reference material and links online for anyone who is interested in self paced learning. There is a new course called Cognitive Robotics this is for any one who has wondered how beagle or any other robot worked. It gives you ideas on how robots can be programmed to map their environment etc.

NOTE: Upon completion of this course you will not get a certificate from MIT not does this count towards course credits.  It is  is provided AS-IS for knowledge’s sake.